
Onzen Spa Boy Upgrade Special | Arctic Spas


Upgrade your current Arctic Spa with the Onzen Spa Boy Automated Salt Water System.  This will convert you water to salt water instead of using regular chlorine or bromine.  This is a more natural way of treating your water without the harsh side affects like the smell, burning eyes, skin irritation, etc.  The Onzen Spa Boy will test you water, display the readings on the phone app or computer,  and make the adjustments automatically.  This price reflects the $500 discount already.

This upgrade includes:

  • All the Onzen Spa Boy Equipment
  • OnSpa - the ability to connect your Arctic Spa to the internet so it can be controlled/monitored remotely with a smartphone app or computer
  • Everything you need to switch to saltwater including the salt, test strips, etc.
  • Free Installation if you are in Utah along the Wasatch Front or Free Shipping

If your Arctic Spa is older than 2011 and you have not upgraded to the Eco-Pack, you will need to make this upgrade before you can add the Onzen Spa Boy.